Ukraine situation at center of discussion at summit: Tusk
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker (L) speaks during the joint press conference with European Council President Donald Tusk after the European Union (EU) summit in Brussels, Belgium, on Feb. 12, 2015. EU Leaders met on Thursday to discuss the situation in Ukraine, the EU's fight against terrorism, and the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). (Xinhua/Zhou Lei)
Council of Europe welcomes Ukrainian ceasefire agreement with caution
STRASBOURG, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Council of Europe welcomed the announcement of a ceasefire agreement in eastern Ukraine on Thursday with a degree of caution, underlining that there remains much still to do.
"Today's agreement offers a basis for an effective ceasefire, but it is clear that much remains to be done," declared the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjorn Jagland, following the announcement of an agreement made on Thursday in Minsk on the withdrawal of heavy arms and a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine as of this weekend. Full story
Ukraine situation at center of discussion at summit: Tusk
BRUSSELS, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) -- European Council President Donald Tusk said the Ukraine crisis would be the topic on every EU leader's mind prior to coming for an informal summit meeting here Thursday.
"Clearly, the Ukrainian question is at the center of our attention because it doesn't only concern our solidarity with the victims but, in the long term, it also concerns the whole geopolitical order in Europe after 1989," Tusk said ahead of the summit meeting. Full story
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