Dortmund beats Mainz 4-2 in German Bundesliga
BERLIN, Feb. 13 (Xinhua) -- Dortmund came from behind toovercome Mainz 4-2 with four second-half goals at the opener of the21st round of Bundesliga on Friday.
Juergen Klopp's men earned their second straight victory torelieve their relegation worries for the moment. Mainz grabbed thelead but were unable to hold the pace with the "BVB" after therestart.
Both sides staged an offensively minded and fast pacedencounter, in which Mainz shocked the hosts with the opener withless than a minute into the game. Dortmund's goalkeeper RomanWeidenfeller made a fisted clearance into the path of Elkin Soto,who lobbed the ball into the open goal from 18 meters.
Dortmund piled on the pressure but Mainz' well-positioneddefense denied the equalizer within the first half. However, thingschanged after the break when Neven Subotic restored parity with aheader following a corner by Marcel Schmelzer at the 50thminute.
Mainz were shocked and conceded another goal only five minuteslater as Dortmund turned the tides through Marco Reus, whocapitalized on a through ball by new arrival Kevin Kampl.
The visitors shook off the 2-1 deficit and equalized the scoreswith their next chance as Yunus Malli made it two all draw with ahammer at the 57th minute.
Nevertheless, Mainz were unable to hold the pace with Dortmundas the host turned up to grab the 3-2 lead at the 71st minute whenPierre-Emerick Aubameyang marked his 8th goal of the seasonfollowing a pass into path by Reus.
The "BVB" rounded off their performance with the fourth goal ofthe second half. Nuri Sahin made use of Aubameyang's defused deadball on target to poke home from very close range to make it 4-2 onthe scoreboards.
With the second win in row Dortmund climbed from 16th to 14thposition meanwhile Mainz stays on 13th place of the table.
The following fixtures are scheduled on Saturday: front-runnersBayern Munich host Hamburg, Leverkusen face runner up Wolfsburg,Monchengladbach meet Cologne, Hoffenheim see last placed Stuttgart,Bremen clash Augsburg and Frankfurt encounter third placed Schalke.Enditem
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