China stresses tourist safety for coming holidays
BEIJING, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) -- The State Council, China's cabinet,has called for strengthened safety measures for tourists for theupcoming dual holidays after a deadly stampede in Shanghai on theNew Year eve.
"(Related departments) should be on alert of potential risks andkeep a strong sense of responsibility so as to map out soundarrangements and safety measures to ensure the security oftourists' lives and assets," said a circular from the cabinet ontourists' safety for the Spring Festival holiday and the LanternFestival in early March.
The circular cited the deadly stampede in the Bund, Shanghai'sriverfront tourist hotspot where 36 were killed on Dec. 31 whilepeople gathered to usher in the new year. The tragedy saw 11 localofficials punished.
"The lessons from the Shanghai stampede and similar accidentsshould be well learned," it said.
According to the document, local governments at or above thecounty level are responsible for coordinating efforts to ensuretourists' safety within their jurisdictions, and detailedobligations must be delegated to specific people.
The cabinet vowed to pursue the liabilities of officials forinadequate safety measures, slack supervision or duty negligencethat lead to severe tourist safety accidents.
The circular called on local authorities to focus on massgatherings and celebration activities, urging key touristattractions and large hotels to map out emergency response plans incase of stampede and fire.
It also stressed safety checks targeting accommodations,shopping malls, passenger vehicles, cable cars, elevators and otherfacilities in popular tourist sites. Enditem
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