Canadian Int'l AutoShow crowns Subaru Legacy, Ford F-150
TORONTO, Feb. 13 (Xinhua) -- The 42nd Canadian InternationalAutoShow (CIAS) opened Friday in Toronto, showcasing over 1,000vehicles with an expected attendance of over 300,000 caraficionados and truck enthusiasts.
Out of the 45 vehicles premiered in Canada, the spotlight shonebrightest on the 2015 Subaru Legacy winning Canadian Car of theYear. The Ford F-150 was named 2015 Canadian Truck of the Year.Both were crowned the winners beating out crowd and industryfavorites such as the Canadian-made Dodge Charger Hellcat andChevrolet Equinox.
Both north and south wings of the Metro Toronto ConventionCentre were chock a block with cars and people. The scene was morerepresentative of Hong Kong's Monkok market than a staid NorthAmerican event center.
Benny Leung, who was born in Hong Kong and is the first-everChinese president in CIAS history, brings many layers of innovationto the event. "This year's content is expanded to include enhanceddisplays that speak not just to our transportation needs, but tothe complementary lifestyle products and technologies that are allpart of the package," says Leung. "As always, visitors will findthe exotics, collector cars and new models that fuel theirdreams."
The autoshow program with the theme of Life is in Motion wasprinted in Chinese language as well, with a separate edition forEnglish, a nod to the growing Chinese investment culture of theGreater Toronto Area. Canadian Finance Minister Joe Oliver, TorontoMayor John Tory along with Leung opened the event with the ribboncutting ceremony after opening speeches that were delayed asToronto was hit by severe power outages, casting thousands ofTorontonians into a cold frenzy.
"Our government's unprecedented support for the auto industryhas helped Canadian car makers achieve record-breaking sales in2014. With a low tax plan for jobs and growth, we will help ensurea bright future in our country for the industry and the good-payingjobs that come with it," said the finance minister.
"This year, and every year, Toronto is proud to be the home ofCanada's preeminent automotive event. With 300,000 people havingattended last year's Canadian International AutoShow, our citylooks forward to welcoming an even larger audience for 2015," saidTory. As the Toronto mayor gave his speech, hecklers hooted andhollered asking him to hurry up as they wanted to enter theautoshow. The ever unruffled Tory finished his speech and withLeung welcomed the public into the show.
"Minister Oliver's and Mayor Tory's attendance at the 2015AutoShow demonstrates our government's understanding of theautomotive sector's importance to municipal, provincial andnational economy," said Leung, referring it as "the undisputedcrown jewel event for this key economic sector that provides nearly500,000 well-paying jobs nationwide."
"There isn't a more exciting show than the CIAS, whether you'rein the market for a new vehicle, are a hardcore car enthusiast, orare just looking for a great day out with the family, this year'sshow has more to see, more to do, and more to help keep your busylife in motion than ever before," Leung concluded.
As the largest consumer show in the country, the 10-day eventplays into the hands of China's Lunar New Year and Canada's FamilyDay holidays. Many Chinese-Canadians are taking advantage of theshow and including it into their festivals celebrations.Enditem
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