Taliban rebels join gov't in N. Afghanistan
Taliban rebels join gov't in N. Afghanistan
FAIZABAD, Afghanistan, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- Nearly 30 Talibanrebels surrendered to the government in northern Afghanistan'sBadakhshan province, authorities said on Monday.
"Two local Taliban leaders named Eidi Mohammad and Abdul Khabiralong with nine of their men renounced violence and joined agovernment-initiated peace and reconciliation process in Tagabdistrict, Badakhshan province earlier on Monday," Afghan InteriorMinistry said in a statement.
The former insurgents also handed over five AK-47 rifles, arocket launcher and rounds of ammunition to the provincial policeofficials during a ceremony, said the statement.
On Sunday, 18 Taliban fighters, including their leader SafiullahKhan, laid their weapons down and joined the peace process in thesame district, according to the statement.
With the former insurgents' surrender, peace and stability wouldfurther be strengthened in several parts of the province, thestatement added.
The Afghan government set up a 70-member High Peace Council andlaunched the peace and reconciliation process in 2010 to encourageTaliban to disarm and give up militancy against the government.Enditem
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