Egypt dissolves 169 Muslim Brotherhood NGOs
CAIRO, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- Egypt's Ministry of Social Solidarityon Monday ordered the dissolution of 169 non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs) affiliated with the blacklisted MuslimBrotherhood, state-run Ahram Online reported.
The move comes in line with a previous ruling issued by theCourt of Urgent Matters banning the activities of the MuslimBrotherhood and ordering the seizure of all the group's assets, theministry said in a statement.
In December 2013, the Egyptian government termed the MuslimBrotherhood, the power base of ousted president Mohamed Morsi, as aterrorist organization, following a number of deadly attacks acrossthe country.
The government attributed the attacks to members of thegroup.
In February 2014, an Egyptian court also designated theBrotherhood as a terrorist organization.
Egypt has been facing a growing wave of anti-security terroristattacks in the Sinai Peninsula and other parts across the countryfollowing the removal of Morsi in July 2013.
A crackdown on Morsi's supporters left hundreds of them dead.Thousands more have been arrested and are being tried. Enditem
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