3 killed in suicide attack on NATO vehicles in Kabul
KABUL, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Three people were killed and another wounded after a suicide car bombing targeted NATO-led forces' vehicles in Afghan capital of Kabul on Thursday, sources said.
The casualties included one Turkish service member of the NATO- led Resolute Support (RS) forces, an Afghan civilian and the attacker, the Afghan government confirmed, adding one Turkish soldier sustained injuries in the attack.
The attack occurred in the morning, after the bomber rammed his car bomb into a two-vehicle convoy of RS forces near the Iranian embassy in Wazir Akbar Khan, a diplomatic district in central Kabul.
Unofficial sources said the likely target of the attack was the vehicle of NATO Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan Ismail Aramaz, a Turkish diplomat, who escaped the blast.
"The NATO Senior Civilian Representative was not involved and is unharmed," the NATO-led RS confirmed in a brief statement.
This incident is under investigation and further information will be released as appropriate, the statement noted.
The U.S. and NATO-led troops switched from combat to support role, which will focus on training, advising and assisting Afghan forces since Jan. 1 this year.
Nearly 13,000 foreign forces are currently stationed in the country and being involved in the RS mission.
The Taliban insurgent group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
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