Guinea intensifies anti-Ebola awareness campaign
CONAKRY, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Guinea and its health partners have initiated a massive awareness campaign dubbed "All Against Ebola," that will be carried out in the capital and other interior towns to ensure eradication of the virus, official sources said Wednesday.
The campaign comes just two weeks before the deadline of the "Zero Ebola in 60 days plan" that was initiated by Guinean authorities.
"A single case of dangerous burial can cause ten new cases. We are aware that we still have sensitive zones and we shall concentrate our efforts in such places," government spokesman Damantang Albert Camara said.
"More than ever before, vigilance and mobilization should be heightened. This is both a collective and individual assignment, it is a civic duty," he said.
The Guinean government and its international partners such as the World Health Organization and Doctors Without Borders have initiated a series of "door-to-door" sensitization campaign targeting local populations.
Camara said "despite the stabilization of the situation and a general trend of a drop in the number of Ebola cases, recent incidents of new cases and resistance by some local communities demonstrate that it was important to maintain maximum international mobilization to achieve "Zero Ebola" in the three affected countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia."
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