Brazil's Gremio sign loan deal for Parma midfielder
RIO DE JANEIRO, March 9 (Xinhua) -- Gremio have signed Uruguay international midfielder Cristian Rodriguez on loan from Italy's Parma, the Brazilian outfit said on Monday.
The 29-year-old will undergo a medical test in Porto Alegre on Tuesday morning before being presented to the club's fans in the afternoon.
"Experienced and versatile, he can play in midfield, front or on a wing," Gremio said in a statement on its official website.
Rodriguez, who has been called up for Uruguay's friendly against Morocco later this month, is expected to make his debut for the Brazilian club against local rivals Cruzeiro on Saturday.
The move comes as Parma struggles both on and off the pitch. The Gialloblu's debt has reportedly ballooned to 100 million euros and there are fears the club might be forced out of the Serie A before the end of the season.
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