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Netanyahu's remarks over Palestinian state are "worrying": Abbas

新华网 2015-03-19 21:22:09


  RAMALLAH, March 19 (Xinhua) -- In a first official reaction to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statement that he opposes establishing a Palestinian state, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday that these remarks "are worrying."

  Abbas made the statements Thursday during a PalestineLiberation Organization (PLO) executive committee meeting he chaired in the West Bank city of Ramallah, according to state-run news agency "Wafa."

  "What Netanyahu said about the two-state principle no longer being an option and that he opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state is not new, but is extremely worrying," Abbas informed the PLO executive members.

  He said that if what Netanyahu said is true, "this means that the coming Israeli government doesn't have any intentions for a political solution that leads to establishing a Palestinian state on 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital."

  "We won't change our position, which is demanding an implementation of the international resolutions, and also it is our right to apply and head to any place in the world to gain the international legitimacy," said Abbas.

  A few hours before announcing the exit polls of the Israeli parliamentary elections held in Israel on Tuesday, Netanyahu declared that there will be no Palestinian state if he wins the elections.

  Netanyahu's Likud rightwing party earned 30 seats of the parliament, where observers expect that he will be able to form a fully rightwing Israeli government.

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  Netanyahu's remarks over Palestinian state are "worrying": Abbas 2015-03-19 21:22:09

  RAMALLAH, March 19 (Xinhua) -- In a first official reaction to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statement that he opposes establishing a Palestinian state, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday that these remarks "are worrying."

  Abbas made the statements Thursday during a PalestineLiberation Organization (PLO) executive committee meeting he chaired in the West Bank city of Ramallah, according to state-run news agency "Wafa."

  "What Netanyahu said about the two-state principle no longer being an option and that he opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state is not new, but is extremely worrying," Abbas informed the PLO executive members.

  He said that if what Netanyahu said is true, "this means that the coming Israeli government doesn't have any intentions for a political solution that leads to establishing a Palestinian state on 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital."

  "We won't change our position, which is demanding an implementation of the international resolutions, and also it is our right to apply and head to any place in the world to gain the international legitimacy," said Abbas.

  A few hours before announcing the exit polls of the Israeli parliamentary elections held in Israel on Tuesday, Netanyahu declared that there will be no Palestinian state if he wins the elections.

  Netanyahu's Likud rightwing party earned 30 seats of the parliament, where observers expect that he will be able to form a fully rightwing Israeli government.

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