General secretary of Nigeria football governing body resigns
ABUJA, March 19 (Xinhua) -- General secretary of Nigeria Football Federation Musa Amadu on Thursday quit his position, citing personal reasons for his decision, the Nigerian football governing body said.
Amadu's resignation takes immediate effect, said the media communications department of the Nigerian federation. He served as general secretary of the football federation for almost five years, since July 2010.
In his letter of resignation, the 53-year-old Amadu, also a lawyer, thanked his colleagues for giving him the opportunity to serve as a key member of the local football federation.
Amadu was one of the first Nigerians to earn the FIFA Masters degree in law, humanities and sports management.
Meanwhile, the Nigerian federation has immediately appointed Mohammed Sanusi as its new general secretary.
General secretary of Nigeria football governing body resigns 2015-03-19 21:52:12
ABUJA, March 19 (Xinhua) -- General secretary of Nigeria Football Federation Musa Amadu on Thursday quit his position, citing personal reasons for his decision, the Nigerian football governing body said.
Amadu's resignation takes immediate effect, said the media communications department of the Nigerian federation. He served as general secretary of the football federation for almost five years, since July 2010.
In his letter of resignation, the 53-year-old Amadu, also a lawyer, thanked his colleagues for giving him the opportunity to serve as a key member of the local football federation.
Amadu was one of the first Nigerians to earn the FIFA Masters degree in law, humanities and sports management.
Meanwhile, the Nigerian federation has immediately appointed Mohammed Sanusi as its new general secretary.
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