1st LD: At least 10 killed in Boko Haram attack on Nigeria-Cameroon border town: security source
1st LD: At least 10 killed in Boko Haram attack on Nigeria-Cameroon border town: security source
ABUJA, March 20 (Xinhua) -- At least 10 people were killed in an attack carried out by Boko Haram fighters in Gamboru, a Nigeria- Cameroon border town in Borno State, a security source said Thursday.
The attack was carried out on Wednesday, barely three weeks after Boko Haram fighters were dislodged by Chadian soldiers on regional cooperation, said the security source who pleaded for anonymity.
Some Cameroonian soldiers moved to repel the attack but not after the 10 people had been killed, the source said, noting the incident occurred at exactly 4:50 p.m. local time. Enditem
1st LD: At least 10 killed in Boko Haram attack on Nigeria-Cameroon border town: security source
English.news.cn 2015-03-20 03:32:44
1st LD: At least 10 killed in Boko Haram attack on Nigeria-Cameroon border town: security source
ABUJA, March 20 (Xinhua) -- At least 10 people were killed in an attack carried out by Boko Haram fighters in Gamboru, a Nigeria- Cameroon border town in Borno State, a security source said Thursday.
The attack was carried out on Wednesday, barely three weeks after Boko Haram fighters were dislodged by Chadian soldiers on regional cooperation, said the security source who pleaded for anonymity.
Some Cameroonian soldiers moved to repel the attack but not after the 10 people had been killed, the source said, noting the incident occurred at exactly 4:50 p.m. local time. Enditem
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长沙一57层高楼12天建成 可抗9级地震
济南高校食堂变自习室 边学边吃
京辽球迷现场发生冲突 安保介入平息混乱
贵州万斤鲶鱼散落一地 公路瞬间成鱼池
老太钻公交车底6小时 称被骗两万元