Judge charges Spanish ruling party in corruption scandal
MADRID, March 5 (Xinhua) -- The Judge investigating the Spanish cash for favors corruption scandal known as the Caso Gurtel on Thursday announced formal charges against 40 people, while also requiring bail from the Popular Party (PP) itself for having made financial gains in the scandal.
Among the 40 people are the last three former Treasurers of PP, Luis Barcenas, Alvaro Lapuerta and Angel Sanchis, and former Health Minister, Ana Mato.
The accused face a range of charges ranging from falsifying documents, money laundering, misuse of public funds, traffic of influence, fraud against the public administration, tax evasion among others.
Both Mato, who resigned from her post as Health Minister in November last year, but maintains her seat in the Spanish Congress, and the PP itself are accused of being "profit seeking participants" in the scandal. Enditem
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