UN Security Council approves short extension of Libya mission's mandate
UNITED NATIONS, March 5 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council on Thursday adopted unanimously a resolution extending the mandate of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) until the end of this month.
Having determined that the situation in Libya remains a threat to international peace and security, the resolution approved the short extension of the mandate of the UNSMIL until March 31. The current mandate of the Mission is due to expire on March 13.
The Council also decided to renew for the same period of time the measures imposed by resolution 2146 (2014), which bans illicit crude oil exports from Libya and authorizes states to inspect vessels on the high seas.
The UNSMIL has been supporting the efforts of the Libyan government and people to ensure the success of the democratic transition process in the country, which has been under way since the toppling of Muammar al-Qadhafi in the Feb. 17 revolution four years ago.
Thursday's resolution came amid recent political and security developments on the ground, particularly a new round of UN- facilitated talks which is going on in Morocco.
In a bid to put an early end to Libya's political crisis, the talks focus on the formation of a government of national unity, security arrangements to pave the way for a comprehensive ceasefire, and completion of the constitution drafting process within clear timelines.
It seems Council members decided to give the political process more time to yield results before substantively amending the mandate of the UNSMIL. It's still uncertain whether much will have changed in the three weeks before the next renewal of the Mission' s mandate. Enditem
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