
近日,印度官方宣布禁用59款中国APP,这给许多印度人带来不小的冲击。多名在中国APP拥有大量粉丝的印度网红 “大吐苦水”,因为禁令让他们失去了主要收入来源。"  据《今日印度》报道,TikTok上另一位印度网红Muthu,也对这一禁令感到难过。


来源: 中国日报
2020-07-04 18:08 

近日,印度官方宣布禁用59款中国APP,这给许多印度人带来不小的冲击。多名在中国APP拥有大量粉丝的印度网红 “大吐苦水”,因为禁令让他们失去了主要收入来源。

据英国广播公司BBC报道,印度是Tik Tok(抖音国际版)最大的海外市场,大约有1.2亿活跃用户。自从它在印度推出以来,这个应用程序已经成为印度各个年龄和阶层的人展现自己的平台,从警察到家庭主妇,他们为粉丝跳舞、唱歌和表演。这个应用程序让许多印度的平民百姓成为了社交媒体明星。In the years since it has launched in India, the app has become a platform for Indians of all ages and classes - from police constables to housewives - who dance, sing and perform for their followers. The app has turned many ordinary Indians into social media stars.Geet就是其中一员。她说,当印度禁止Tik Tok和其他数十款中国制造的应用程序时,她大吃一惊,印度称这些应用程序对国家构成威胁。这位前律师现在是印度众多Tik Tok网红中的一员,她在Tik Tok上教授“美式英语”,并通过三个平台向1000多万粉丝提供恋爱建议,为他们加油鼓劲。The former lawyer is now one of India's many TikTok stars, teaching "American English", and giving relationship advice and pep talks to more than 10 million followers on her three channels.

在过去的一年里,Geet每天都会上传15段视频到她的账户,每段视频通常是20秒。她用手机和专业相机拍摄,每天录制多达120段视频,以确保她的素材库永远不会“缺货”。每周剩下的时间她都忙着编写脚本和编辑视频。视频来源:时间视频“(禁令)消息传来时,我完全不知所措。这就是我现在的生活,是我的全职工作。”Geet接受采访时表示。"I was completely taken off guard when the news arrived. I mean, this is my life now. It's my full-time job."Geet说,“我的许多朋友都将这款应用程序作为他们的主要收入来源。”"Many of my friends depend on the app as their primary source of income," she says. "

据《今日印度》报道,TikTok上另一位印度网红Muthu,也对这一禁令感到难过。他在接受采访时说,看到这一消息并意识到Tik Tok被印度政府禁止时,他感到非常失望。“这只是一个娱乐平台,它可以让你摆脱压力”。“I was very disappointed when I saw the news today morning and realised that TikTok was banned by the Indian government. This is only an entertainment platform and you can distract yourself from stress.”

Muthu说:“我们所有的才华都在平台上得到展示。” 禁令发布后,他之前的所有成果可能都会付之东流。据华尔街日报统计,今年4月以来,印度下载量排名前25的APP有8款来自中国。Since April, eight of the 25 most-downloaded apps in India are from Chinese companies.印度科技政策专家普拉桑托·克·罗伊表示,这项禁令将伤害所有通过这些应用程序赚钱和建立业务联系的印度人。The tech policy expert Prasanto K Roy says the ban will hurt all Indians who were making money and business connections through these apps.“成千上万的Tik Tok网红靠这个平台谋生,还有许多印度商人需要通过微信与中国人联系,这项禁令切断了他们的联系。”"The thousands of TikTok influencers who were making a living off the platform and the many Indian traders and businessmen who need to connect to people in China and do that over WeChat —this cuts them off."


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