23 (Xinhua) -- China has completed a survey of fishery resources in the middle and southern regions of the South China Sea after two years of research, said a Chinese expert on Monday.
CAIRO, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- Egypt's Ministry of Social Solidarityon Monday ordered the dissolution of 169 non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs) affiliated with the blacklisted MuslimBrotherhood, state-run Ahram Online reported.The move comes in line with a previous ruling issued by theCourt of Urgent Matters banning the activities of the MuslimBrotherhood and ordering the seizure of all the group's assets, theministry said in a statement.In December 2013, the Egyptian government termed the MuslimBrotherhood, the power base of ousted president Mohamed Morsi, as aterrorist organization, following a number of deadly attacks acrossthe country.The government attributed the attacks to members of thegroup.In February 2014, an Egyptian court also designated theBrotherhood as a terrorist organization.Egypt has been facing a growing wave of anti-security terroristattacks in the Sinai Peninsula and other parts across the countryfollowing the removal of Morsi in July 2013.A crackdown on Morsi's supporters left hundreds of them dead.Thousands more have been arrested and are being tried.
春节是中国人最重要的节日,每年的春节期间都是家人朋友团聚的好时机。 尽管提倡要学会管住自己的嘴,但是如果太过强求反而会使意志力慢慢消退,最后适得其反,你会吃得更多。
Indian stocks close lowerMumbai, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- The S&P BSE Sensex extended itsfall for the second straight session on Monday led by losses in oil& gas, metals and banks.The 30-share index closed at 28,975.11, 256.30 points or 0.88percent down from previous close of 29,231.41 points.According to analysts, the market is likely to remain volatileahead
大麦茶是中国、日本、韩国等民间广泛流传的传统清凉饮料,把大麦炒制成焦黄,食用前,只需要用热水冲泡就可浸出浓郁的香茶。 普洱茶的功效首先在于普洱茶茶性温和,暖胃不伤胃,这点对熟普洱茶尤为明显。
23 (Xinhua) -- Egypt's Ministry of Social Solidarity on Monday ordered the dissolution of 169 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) affiliated with the blacklisted Muslim Brotherhood, state-run Ahram Online reported.
23 (Xinhua) -- The S&P BSE Sensex extended its fall for the second straight session on Monday led by losses in oil & gas, metals and banks.The 30-share index closed at 28,975.11, 256.30 points or 0.88 percent down from previous close of 29,231.41 points.
GUANGZHOU, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- China has completed a survey offishery resources in the middle and southern regions of the SouthChina Sea after two years of research, said a Chinese expert onMonday.The survey showed the area around the Nansha Islands has fisheryreserves of about 1.8 million tonnes, with about half a milliontonnes available for fishing, said Yang Beisheng, deputy head ofthe South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute under the ChineseAcademy of Fishery Sciences.More than 20 fish species in the Nansha Islands maritime areaare rare or have a high economic value, according to theinvestigation.Mesopelagic fishery reserves in the waters around the Zhongshaand Xisha Islands stand between 73 million and 172 milliontonnes.The institute has carried out eight survey trips to the SouthChina Sea using the country's first domestically produced advancedmaritime fishery survey ship, the Nan Feng, since 2013.
23 (Xinhua) -- The growing appeal in the Far East of English Premiership club Liverpool FC has prompted the club to announce the launching of new online club stores in five Asian territories.
记者从河北省国土资源厅获悉,河北省不动产登记局日前挂牌成立,全省不动产统一登记工作将全面展开。 据了解,在统一的簿册证启用前,仍颁发原有的各类不动产登记证书。
23 (Xinhua) -- The European Union is urging Israel to pay the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) the tax revenue dues it has been withholding since early January, an EU official said Monday.
23 (Xinhua) -- About 120 people at a tourist farm known for its cherry blossoms in central Taiwan reported diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms of norovirus infection on Monday, health officials said.
milliondollars), including 130 million euros (about 148 million dollars)to aid the PNA budget."The PNA has been facing a financial crisis since the beginningof this year after Israel withheld the tax revenue dues.Enditem
TAIPEI, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- About 120 people at a tourist farmknown for its cherry blossoms in central Taiwan reported diarrhea,vomiting and other symptoms of norovirus infection on Monday,health officials said.The Hoya Resort Hotel at Wuling Farm, where tourists and staffshowed the symptoms, was ordered to stop providing food to guests,the Taichung City Health Bureau said.Health authorities are still testing samples collected at thehotel to confirm the exact cause of the outbreak.A highly contagious viral illness, norovirus is commonlytransmitted through fecal contamination in food or water,person-to-person contact and contamination of surfaces.
虽然距离南京青奥会成功举办已超过半年时间,但国务院总理李克强对志愿者的寄语一直留在“小青柠”心中。 回忆当时和中国总理李克强互动交流的场面,尼哈德笑得合不拢嘴。
” “周末音乐老师”张天,纤瘦个头,白净脸庞,鼻梁上架着眼镜,像个大学生。最近,“太阳花”得到了中海基金的赞助,为音乐教室添置了新钢琴、4台电子琴,还有一台取暖器,张天为此兴奋不已。
several parts of the province, thestatement added.The Afghan government set up a 70-member High Peace Council andlaunched the peace and reconciliation process in 2010 to encourageTaliban to disarm and give up militancy against the government.Enditem
23 2015 ( ) ( ), .
BERLIN, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- The following are major news itemsin leading German newspapers on Monday.Die Welt:-- With the fight against corruption and tax evasion, the Greekgovernment wants to convince the euro partners of their commitmentto such reforms.A first provisional list of reform should be already sent to theEuropean Commission, the European Central Bank and theInternational Monetary Fund on Sunday for a preliminary discussion.These measures are obviously part of the proposals that Greek PrimeMinister Alexis Tsipras intends to present to the donors.Sueddeutsche Zeitung:-- According to the German health authorities, Germany is hit byan exceptionally strong flu wave right now. In this winter, about20,000 influenza disease have been confirmed so far in Germany,three times as many as last year. Experts believe that the acuteinfection phase will continue for three weeks.Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung:-- The Ukrainian government and the insurgents in easternUkraine have agreed on the discharge of heavy weapons in black andwhite."The paper was signed at night. All have agreed and confirmedthat the two-week period should start from Feb. 22," said spokesmanof the insurgents Eduard Bassurin on Sunday in Donetsk.
耍龙狮、跑旱船、扭秧歌、打腰鼓……春节期间,一个个富有民间特色的文艺活动为西畴县增添了浓浓的年味。 年初二到初三,西畴县还组织开展了游园活动和文艺演出,让群众过一个欢乐、祥和、喜庆的羊年新春佳节。
(Xinhua) -- Un vehículo deportivo utilitario negro chocó a primeras horas de hoy lunes contra una barrera de seguridad fuera del edificio de oficinas del líder de Taiwan, Ma Ying-jeou, afirmó el portavoz de su oficina, Ma Wei-kuo.
记者从国家发展改革委了解到,今年发展改革委将推进一批重大交通基础设施项目建设。 据介绍,2014年发展改革委共下达中央预算内投资340亿元用于交通基础设施建设,全年新开工铁路项目66个,国家高速公路“断头路”项目20个,普通国道“瓶颈路段”项目21个,水路项目12个,支线机场项目9个。
中国唯一获得过职业拳击冠军荣誉的熊朝忠,昨日在家乡文山市举行的CCTV贺岁杯上,与日本新人王山本浩也争夺WBC迷你轻量级国际金腰带,双方打满十回合,熊朝忠通过点数取胜,拿到国际金腰带,更开启了新一轮争夺世界金腰带的旅程。 面对山本浩也的挑战,熊朝忠自始至终占据优势,完全压制住对手,通过点数取胜。
近年来,昆明一直严管公车私用行为。 在4号楼的地下车库,一位姓曹的保安介绍,他们已接到通知,17日晚上起,车库的4个出入口都全部封闭,不允许车辆进出。一位保安人员介绍,公车节假日封存是惯例,17日下午下班后,地下车库的大门就已关闭,无特殊情况一律不准出入。
“到云南过年,可以体验跨境游,特别有意思。 其实,在云岭大地,不仅跨境游火热,其他旅游方式同样受宠,全省旅游接待持续呈现红红火火的热闹景象。
大年初四,昆明滇池国际会展中心的建设者们早已在工地上忙碌起来。 留昆的工人们大年初三就开始进入工地施工,大年初四云南城投集团滇池国际会展中心项目建设运营管理人员全部到位。
大年初五,春节假期已渐近尾声,孩子的寒假仍在继续。 2月23日上午,记者来到济南西藏中学,一进门就被操场方向的声音吸引过去。其中,山东省济南市西藏中学是为数不多能独立成校的藏族学校之一。
新华网北京2月23日电题:真挚·真实·真情——记云南、安徽、湖北春节联欢晚会 和往年不同,云南省的2015年春晚走出了国门,与柬埔寨有关方面合办“中柬情·合家欢——2015中国柬埔寨大型春节联欢晚会”,谱写了中柬两国文化交流的新篇章。
近日网传湖北十堰市茅箭区人民法院法官秦某21日在当地一家医院殴打女医生,网上同时存有大量女医生被打现场照片。 据记者了解,21日湖北十堰市人民医院一位40岁左右女性患者,经抢救无效死亡,参与抢救的女医生和护士随后遭到患者丈夫秦某殴打,多处受伤。
Afghan forces kill 33 insurgents in 24 hours: MoIKABUL, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- Afghan police backed by the army havekilled 33 militants during a series of operations across thecountry over the past 24 hours, the Ministry of Interior said in astatement released here Monday."A total of 33 armed Taliban militants have been killed over thepast 24 hours during operations conducted in Takhar, Kunduz,Badakhshan, Sar-e-Pul, Kandahar, Zabul, Uruzgan, Maidan Wardak,Ghazni, Paktiya, Herat and Farah provinces," the statementsaid.The police backed by national army have also wounded threemilitants and captured seven others during the operations, thestatement added.However, it didn't say if there were casualties on the side ofsecurity forces.Taliban militants fighting the government are yet to makecomments.
HK's composite interest rate down to 0.36 pct in Jan.HONG KONG, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- The Hong Kong Monetary Authorityannounced on Monday that the composite interest rate decreased bythree basis points to 0.36 percent at the end of January 2015, from0.39 percent at the end of December 2014.According to the authority, the decline in the compositeinterest rate, which is a measure of the average cost of funds ofbanks, in January reflected decreases in the weighted funding costfor both deposits and interbank funds.
BEIJING, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- Chinese obstetricians always expecta lighter workload during the Year of Sheep, which began on Feb.Another is thatcritics of the Empress Dowager Cixi and her traitorous ministerYuan Shikai in the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) insisted theirzodiac signs were sheep and a danger to the country.
23 (Xinhua) -- Iran will quit nuclear talks if the other party aimed to impose their wills on Tehran in the ongoing negotiations, the country's senior negotiator told state IRIB TV on Monday.
Noel Clement, commander of the army's 602nd Brigade, saidthe figure was based on information provided by military personnelon the ground and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) which helpedin the conduct of the operations.(Philippines-Rebels) Enditem
CAIRO, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- An Egyptian court on Monday sentencedprominent activist Alaa Abdel Fattah to five years in prison overcharges of organizing unlicensed protests and inciting violence,state-run Nile TV reported.Blogger Abdel Fattah was one of the leading activists whospearheaded the massive protests that toppled president HosniMubarak in 2011.He was also fined 100,000 Egyptian pounds (nearly 13,000 U.S.dollars.)The presiding judge dismissed other charges against Abdel Fattahof assaulting policemen and robbing weapons.Abdel Fattah was sentenced in June last year to 15 years in jailalong with 24 others over organizing anti-government protestswithout police permit, inciting violence and attacking policemenoutside the Shura Council building (the upper house ofparliament).He appealed the ruling and the Court of Cassation ordered aretrial in September.The other 24 defendants were sentenced to three to 15 years injail.
23 (Xinhua) -- An Egyptian court on Monday sentenced prominent activist Alaa Abdel Fattah to five years in prison over charges of organizing unlicensed protests and inciting violence, state-run Nile TV reported.
以前过年,走出家门,一家一家敲门问候、相互作揖,后来我们打电话、发短信,发一个写有“恭贺新禧”的微信表情,群发就更简单了; 社会的发展让冗繁的生活步骤简单化,省时省心又省力,然而,缺少的是亲自动手张罗的乐趣,和这些看似琐碎的点滴带来的对生活的感知。
农历正月初五(23日),中国铁路、公路进入返程高峰。 23日,全国铁路预计加开旅客列车586列,其中,跨铁路局中长途旅客列车321列,铁路局管内旅客列车265列。