
梦想实现了,说多都是泪 1998年看到老爸的工资每个月只有三百多快钱,心里想等我长大每个月有两千快那该多好啊。”压力很大 年底了,这两天压力很大,一直都感觉有一种无形的力量扼住了我的喉咙,让我呼吸困难,脖子后面也老是感觉有诡异的阴风。





男子学偶像剧强吻美女同事 被美工刀划伤


UK registers highest proportion of e-buyers in EU

In the whole EU, the proportion of individuals aged 16 to 74 having ordered goods or services for private use over the internet has continuously risen, from 30 percent in 2007 to 53 percent in 2015.



lava lovers' adventure near volcanic area

(Photo source: Xinhuanet)

World's 4th largest lake Aral Sea shrinking

Photo taken on Dec. 7, 2015 shows abandoned ships at Moynak in the Aral Sea, Uzbekistan. Once the world's fourth largest lake, the Aral Sea lies between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, fed mainly by Amu Darya and Syr Darya. The sea has shrunk more than 90 percent as the rivers that feed it were largely diverted by the former Soviet Union irrigation projects to boost cotton production in the arid region.

“丝路”“天池”“雪莲花” ——探营第十三届全国冬季运动会赛场

天山天池国际滑雪场位于昌吉州赛区,越野滑雪、单板滑雪 U 型场地、自由式滑雪雪上技巧、自由式滑雪空中技巧、自由式滑雪U型场地和冬季两项的比赛将在此举办。“六个场地已经全部成熟就绪,10 公里的越野滑雪场地也已经历过国际雪联巡回赛的考验……”雪场负责人李新萍说。



Les sites olympiques de Rio 2016 sont prêts à 80%

RIO DE JANEIRO, 11 décembre (Xinhua) -- Le président du Comité organisateur des Jeux Olympiques de Rio 2016, Carlos Nuzman, a déclaré jeudi que la construction des sites devant accueillir les jeux était achevée à près de 80%.  "Les sites seront livrés sans aucun problème. Ils sont désormais achevés à 80%, ce que peu de villes au monde avaient accompli", a déclaré M.

French Ligue 1 results

PARIS, Dec.Rennes 1 Caen 1 Playing on Saturday Reims vs Nice Lille vs Lorient Troyes vs Bastia Montpellier vs Guingamp Nantes vs Toulouse 

AMPLIACION: Inversión extranjera directa en China crece 1,9% en noviembre

Durante los primeros once meses, la IED, que excluye la inversión en el sector financiero, se situó en 704.300 millones de yuanes, un 7,9 por ciento más interanual.

Austrian border fence could have 800m gap due to lack of landowner permission

11 (Xinhua) -- The 3.7 kilometer-long fence Austria is presently constructing on its border with Slovenia to control the refugee influx could have a gap of 800 meters if the owners of land along which the fence is to be constructed do not give the government permission to do so.

Ejecutan a acusado de envenenar a compa ero de cuarto en Shanghai

La corte trasladó el caso al TPS para la verificación de los detalles del sumario y su aprobación.  El TPS publicó los resultados de la verificación en un comunicado divulgado el viernes.

All babies have natural acting talent

They are little, but trust me, they surely do know how "get into character" in front of lenses.(Source: huanqiu.com)

裴勇俊妻子素颜清秀可人 获赞“完美人妻”(图)






Interview: Cultural exchange between China, Britain has brighter future

LONDON, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) -- There has been a long tradition that Chinese people and British people are interested in each other's culture.We share these things, the Chinese have great love of western music and drama, and we should educate ourselves to understand the Chinese tradition," he explained.



Xinjiang investirá mais de 40 bilh es de yuans na constru o de rede elétrica rural

Até 2020, a rede elétrica rural, que incluirá redes elétricas de110 quilowatts, 35 quilowatts, 10 quilowatts e de baixa voltagem, garantirá que os residentes rurais tenham servi os de eletricidade iguais aos moradores urbanos.

S. Korea, DPRK to resume vice ministerial-level talks on Saturday

11 (Xinhua) -- South Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday failed to reach any agreement during the vice ministerial-level dialogue, agreeing to resume the talks on Saturday.  Three delegates from each side gathered in the DPRK's border city of Kaesong, kicking off the high-level dialogue from 10:40 a.m.



Policía mata a tiros a un hombre en operación en Londres

LONDRES, 11 dic (Xinhua) -- Un hombre murió a tiros esta ma ana en una "operación llevada a cabo partir de inteligencia" en el norte de Londres no relacionada con el terrorismo, dijo la Policía Metropolitana.

Fútbol: Renuncia presidente de Conmebol en medio de escándalo por corrupción

MONTEVIDEO, 11 dic (Xinhua) -- La Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol (Conmebol) confirmó hoy la renuncia de su presidente, Juan Angel Napout, acusado de corrupción por la justicia estadounidense, y anunció que la presidencia interina la ocupará el uruguayo Wilmar Valdez.

Alibaba rachète le quotidien South China Morning Post

HANGZHOU, 11 décembre (Xinhua) -- Le géant chinois de l'e-commerce Alibaba Group a annoncé vendredi soir avoir acheté le South China Morning Post (SCMP), principal quotidien hongkongais en langue anglaise.

神木28岁女副县长履历遭质疑 官方:按程序破格提拔




木村文乃晒女警造型自拍 网友点赞:太可爱!

据日本通网站消息,12月8日,木村文乃在INS上晒出一张照片,照片中的她留着短发,头戴警帽。照片中的女警造型来自日剧《Siren 刑警×女友×完全恶女》,是木村文乃所扮演的女主角猪熊夕贵4年前的样子。

RDC : 8 morts dans une pluie torrentielle dans l'est du pays

La pluie diluvienne a aussi provoqué une catastrophe à six kilomètres de Nyabibwe, sur le tron on Goma-Bukavu, vers la rivière Bigemi, où la route est coupée.



Figure skating Grand Prix final results

11 (Xinhua) -- Following are the results from the second day of the ISU Grand Prix Final of figure skating in Barcelona on Friday:11 (Xinhua) -- Following are the results from the second day of the ISU Grand Prix Final of figure skating in Barcelona on Friday:

Gold up on weaker U.S. dollar

CHICAGO, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) -- Gold futures on the COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange rose on Friday as the U.S.The most active gold contract for February delivery rose 3.7 U.S. dollars, or 0.35 percent, to settle at 1,075.70 dollars per ounce.

Recruits of India's Central Reserve Police Force take part in parade

Recruits of India's Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) take part in a parade at a training center in Humhama on the outskirts of Srinagar, Indian-controlled Kashmir, Dec. 11, 2015. A total of 648 recruits were formally inducted into the India's CRPF after completing nine months of training in physical fitness, weapon handling, commando operations and counter insurgency, a CRPF spokesman said.


据英国《每日邮报》12月9日报道,近日,在巴西北潘塔纳尔的一条小河岸边,女导游利恩·吉利斯(Leen Gillis)拍摄到了一场长达20分钟的精彩战斗。一只饥饿的美洲豹在河岸旁徘徊,在水中凯门鳄毫不知情的情况下,美洲豹迅速地跳入水中与凯门鳄展开搏斗。

Iraq to file complaint at UN over Turkish troops deployment

11 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Friday instructed the Foreign Ministry to lodge an official complaint to the UN Security Council over the deployment of Turkish troops in northern Iraq.





新娘妆要美美的 指甲也不能放过!

结婚是人生大事,作为新娘,一定是想在那天大放光彩的。蓝宝石皇冠的图案非常华丽,在无名指的位置贴满珍珠和水钻,一下就变得成熟起来。在指甲的根部贴上蕾丝和碎石组成的花,增添了几分可爱~  这是一款很简单的新娘美甲,很适合低调的新娘。



UN chief calls on Turkey, Iraq to ease situation through dialogue

11 (Xinhua) -- The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Friday called on Turkey and Iraq to de-escalate tensions over Turkish troops deployment in northern Iraq, his spokesman said.

林志颖深夜重温育儿书 不老容颜仍似当年



新华社照片,大理(云南),2015年12月11日 (体育)(5)足球——白族山村小学有了足球场 12月11日,伙山完小的小学生们在刚落成的足球场上踢球。 当日,由“雪佛兰红粉笔乡村教育计划”公益事业项目机构捐赠并实施建设的云南省大理市双廊镇伙山完小学足球场举行落成交接仪式,作为雪佛兰红粉笔志愿者的前曼联球员德怀特·约克参加了该球场交付使用的相关活动并现场辅导小学生们学习踢足球。

蚌埠破获一起网络组织卖淫案 抓获涉案人员41人




招聘现象:职业院校毕业生受宠 两三个岗位抢一人

郭鹏 摄  全省规模最大的艺术类毕业生专场招聘会,昨日在河北艺术职业学院举行,80余家省内外知名艺术院团为600余名毕业生提供了1200多个岗位,求职比达到了1:2。而就在前一天,石市职教中心学前教育专业校园专场招聘会上,60余家用人单位提供了超过600个用人岗位,求职比达到了1:3。

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Chile football coach Sampaoli to stay on despite rumors

He added, "once the authorities are legally appointed, I will talk with them to define the terms of my work, in keeping with the contract I signed.""Obviously, I will also present them with my project for the years ahead, hoping it will also be approved by the new officials," said Sampaoli.